Hi everyone, Paul here.

I'm super excited to let you in on a new project I've been secretly working on...

A 5,000 word Spanish Vocabulary Course.

While my main course "Spanish With Paul" teaches you the structure of the language, what it doesn't do is give you all the vocabulary you'll need to make it truly come alive.

This course fills that gap.

It's designed to give you all the words you'll need to enjoy full conversations in Spanish no matter what situation you may find yourself in.

Here's The Deal

This is a BIG project. I mean REALLY BIG.

It's taken me almost 2 years to complete it.

The reason why is because vocabulary isn't easy. I mean, how do you decide if one word is more important than another?

The answer is, you don't. Science tells you.

That's why only the most important words, graded by frequency & usage, have been selected for this course.

We don't waste time on the rest.

So here it is, all the words you need to handle practically any situation in Spanish, served to you in one easy to consume package.

I would have given my right arm for a resource like this back when I was learning.

That's why I made it for you.

Here's What's Inside The Members Area

  • 75 Modules

    I've hand selected 5,000 words and written thousands of example phrases to demonstrate how each word works.

  • High Frequency Vocabulary

    You'll only learn words that REALLY MATTER. Vocabulary that will make up to 80% of every conversation you'll have!

  • Memory Techniques

    I'll show you how to learn up to HUNDREDS OF WORDS A DAY using the latest in language science.

  • ​Videos Lessons

    You'll learn the correct pronunciation for each word along with exercises and drills to help you remember them.

  • Audio Lessons

    Exact copies of the video lessons are downloadable in audio so you can use them and practice on the go as you please.

  • ​Downloadable

    The course comes with downloadable course books and MP3 audio so you can keep everything on your own devices.

  • Printable Course Books

    Professionally designed course books number every single word and give example sentences for quick reference.

  • Drills & Exercises

    Videos and MP3 audio drills provide you with comprehensive tests to monitor how many words you're remembering.

  • Native Spanish Speakers

    You'll be tested by a native Spanish speaker on every word in the course inside of custom built sentence drills.

  • Certificate

    A certificate will be awarded upon successful completion of the course.cer

  • Great User Experience

    An ultra-modern members area that's easy to use and superbly designed.

  • Money Back Guarantee

    You're fully protected with a no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee.

Includes New Drills Written & Recorded By Elena!

Elena is part of our staff here at Spanish With Paul and a native Spanish speaker. Many of you will already know her from her daily replies to your emails! I've asked her to write and record her own drills for each module and her input has added MASSIVE NEW VALUE to the course!
  • Brand new drills for every module (written & recorded by a native Spanish speaker)

  • Practice building sentences with all the new words you're learning (perfect for long term retention of the vocabulary)

  • Hear perfect Spanish pronunciation for all the vocabulary (it's awesome!)

Pure Gold. All The Words, Verbs, Adjectives And Adverbs You MUST Know In Spanish!

A major problem for most people is not knowing what Spanish words are truly important. The ones they should learn now and what words can be left for later.

This course removes all those doubts.

What I'm giving you here is a definitive, hand selected, list of all the vocabulary you absolutely should know in Spanish in order to express yourself regardless of the situation you find yourself in.

For any language learner, a resource like this is pure gold. It's a massive time saver.

You'll Only Learn High Frequency Vocabulary

The truth is it's very easy to waste a whole bunch of time and effort learning words that really just aren't that important. Experienced language learners (polyglots) understand that it's far more beneficial to instead focus your attention on a very specific type of vocabulary.... High Frequency.

  • Learn only the nouns, verbs, adjective and adverbs that ACTUALLY matter (Experienced language learners, aka polyglots, understand that it's far more beneficial to focus your attention only on a very specific type of vocabulary.... High Frequency.)

  • It's called "High Frequency Vocabulary" because it's based upon a scientific analysis of word frequency in Spanish! (This data is taken from across a wide variety of different sources, everything from books to films to song lyrics and interviews.)

Vocabulary Massively Improves Your Comprehension!

We all know that understanding native Spanish speakers is a major problem for most people. What you may not understand however is that your own lack of vocabulary is a major reason why you don't understand! It often has nothing to do with people speaking too quickly! Think about it... if you do not know what a particular word means in Spanish, it doesn't matter how slowly it's said to you. It won't make any difference. That's why acquiring an extensive library of "the right vocabulary" in Spanish is critical for attaining an excellent level of comprehension later on.

  • Notice an INSTANT improvement in your ability to understand native Spanish speakers (simply by increasing your vocabulary you automatically increase your ability to understand!)

  • The #1 most important thing to develop after structure, is vocabulary... pure words (you won't fully appreciate this until you experience it for yourself... trust me, it's a game changer.)

Includes Course Books Proof Read By Two Native Spanish Speakers & MP3 Audio Downloads

The course books and MP3 audio files are the heart of this course. Not the video lessons!

Every module comes with professionally designed course books that not only number each individual word but also includes example sentences to show you how each piece of vocabulary can be applied.

This effectively doubles the vocabulary and adds many common phrases!

Every step of the way, native Spanish speakers have proof read my work to make sure I'm kept on the straight and narrow :-) The course is built to ensure 100% accuracy. Maximum bang for buck.

5,000 Words Give You 80% Of Every Story You'll Ever Tell In Spanish... Or Hear!

This number is true for pretty much any language you care to mention, not just Spanish. It's a well known fact that we tend to use the same collection of a few thousands words over and over and over again! Now trying to guess exactly what those words are would be quite a challenge but not anymore. This course gives you a scientifically proven list of them... The Golden 5,000.

  • Maximize your learning time by only learning the words that really matter (the more of these you learn the more powerful your Spanish becomes.)

  • Killer drills guarantee you'll learn vocabulary in a way that's easy to recall later on (it's one of the "secrets" to stop umming and ahhing in front of native speakers when the pressure is on.)

Each Word Is Learned In The Context Of A Sentence Along With Perfectly Timed Drills To Maximize Long Term Retention

  • Custom designed drills and exercises make sure you retain vocabulary long term. (Best of all, these drills can be easily played and re-ordered at random allowing you to add a unique vocabulary workout as part of your daily learning schedule.)

  • Every word is learned and TESTED inside the context of a sentence (The result is a massive increase in the percentage of words you'll be able to recall in the future when you need them.)

  • ​Words are spaced out and re-tested at the optimal intervals of time. (It's all down to the science or language learning and what we now know works best.)

Proven Memory Techniques Allow Students To Learn Hundreds Of New Words A Day!

  • I'll reveal a simple memory trick to instantly boost the number of new words you can learn per day. (It's like creating a road map back to where that word is stored in your mind, even months after you first made contact with it!)

  • Vocabulary goes into your long-term memory so you can recall it even months later. (Most people lose their new vocabulary in about a week simply because they're not aware of what I'll teach you inside this course.)

Inside the course I'll show you exactly how to learn 100's of new words on an almost daily basis, sending your Spanish vocabulary into overdrive.

It's a myth you have to be 'gifted' to do this. In fact, once you understand how it works you'll find it's actually quite easy to master.

Learning words is only the first step. Recalling those same words days, weeks or months later is the real trick! I'll show you the absolute best method to use.

The Perfect Companion Course To "Spanish With Paul"

Remember that while Spanish With Paul teaches you how Spanish works, what it lacks is all the vocabulary you need to to hold full conversations. This course fills that gap. It's makes the main SWP course fully come to life!

Naturally, You Can Try It 100% Risk Free

If for any reason whatsoever you're not 100% delighted with this course simply email me here within 30 days of your purchase and I'll happily issue you with a full & unconditional "no questions asked" refund. I only want you to keep this course if you're 100% happy and satisfied with the results you see from using it.